Forklift Anti-Slip Grip for FIBC


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Forklift Anti-Slip Grip for FIBC
Product Code M1464G-120K
Product Code M1464G-120K Price
フォークフレコン滑り止めグリップ/M1464G-120K Prevents slippage and loop tearing when transporting FIBC bags by forklift. Forklift Anti-Slip Grip for FIBC
Code M1464G-120K
Please contact us for prices.
●Prevents slippage even during sudden stops, sharp turns, or rainy weather!
It is made of abrasion-resistant urethane (5 times higher coefficient of friction than black rubber sheets).
It prevents FIBC slippage and loop tearing during sudden stops, sharp turns, or rainy weather.
※See comparison test with black rubber sheet below.

●Smart shape allows for easy attachment and detachment!
Its high coefficient of friction means there is no need for studs or rough surfaces.
This allows it to have a flat, smooth shape that allows for easy attachment and detachment to the tynes.

●Attach just by placing on the tyne!
The underside of the grip contains a high magnetic sheet coated with a special anti-slip material.
Just place it on the tyne and the grip will quickly attach and stay in place due to the magnetic and frictional forces.

■Comparison of the Forklift Anti-Slip Grip for FIBC and regular black rubber sheets

Property Forklift Anti-Slip Grip for FIBC
(Abrasion-resistant urethane)
Black rubber sheet
(natural rubber)
Tensile strength TB (Mpa) 35.1 12.5
Wear resistance
AL (cc/1,000 times)
0.08 1.13
Water resistance Yes
※Repels water and maintains
friction even during rain.
Paint adhesion No Yes
※Above values are experimental results and not guaranteed performance values.

Product Code Tyne width
Steel plate width
M1464G-100K 100 103 18×122×500 2 per set
M1464G-120K 120/122 125 18×159×500
M1464G-125K 125 128 18×159×500
M1464G-140K 140 142 18×177×500
M1464G-150K 150 153 23×174×500
※1:Distance from forklift tyne surface to Anti-Slip Grip surface
※2:Please contact us about the size change of Length.


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